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Seals are can be found in various areas around the world. Their habits range from the cold and icy regions of the world to areas that are tropical and very warm. The bodies of water that inhabit are not limited to oceans, some live in freshwater lakes and rivers. Since they are marine mammals, they can be found on land, as well as in the ocean.


Life In the Cold

Most seals live in the colder areas, such as the Arctic and the Antarctic. Some species spend the majority of their lives on the Arctic ice cap. Some even spend most of their lives under the Arctic ice cap, coming up for air at strategic holes that they create themselves.​


Surviving the Cold

Seals that live in the icy region have adapted. They have layers of blubber on their bodies that allow them to survive in the cold temperatures. They will need to eat more to keep those layers of blubber on them. In addition, these seals are well equipped with strong, sharp claws on their front flippers that they dig breathing holes with.


Seal's Ice Lair

In addition to digging breathing holes, seals that live in the icy regions also hollow out a lair under the snow cover, where they can come up out of the water. Some seals raise their pups in the lairs to avoid predators. However, Polar bears have an astounding sense of smell and can detect seals hiding in lairs. When a seal's lair is discovered by a polar bear, the seal can usually escape through their breathing hole.


Seal In the Warmth

Seals that live in warmer areas enjoy land that has rocks and that is close to the water. As a result of being slow on land, being able to get from the land to the water without using very much energy is important.  Additionally, they tend to live in environments where they won’t be disturbed by humans or by predators. Furthermore, these seals don’t have as much fat on them because they don’t have a need for it.

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