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Linda Hambrick

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What is your professional title?


"I'm a high school biology teacher"

What do you do in a typical day at work?


"Manage from

120-160 students,

prepare lessons and labs, assess student work, and take care of the animals and experiments that are running in my


What is your educational background and/or how did you train for your position?


"I have a

bachelor’s degree in biology, a secondary education teaching credential in biology, and a master’s in how to teach science for middle-high school levels"

If you were starting

in college again, what career would you choose?


"I would do

the same"

As a professional in the sciences, in your opinion what do you feel is an important and interesting scientific issue, topic, or problem faced by the world and/or humans today that we should be aware of?


"There has become an increasing disconnect between the majority of

people in America (and, a variety of degrees, the rest of the world) understanding

the full impact of how scientific advancement has benefited the world and how science is conducted and applied to the world’s challenges. Citizens of the world need to become much more scientifically literate in order to understand the intricacy of the challenges the whole of humanity is facing. Some of these challenges include climate change, ocean acidification, habitat loss, extinction of species...possibly leading to the world’s 6th mass extinction,  use of resources, how to manage consumption and waste, and a

myriad of other issues"

photos from the Regional Sea Lion Bowl competition and trip

she even swam with seals!

In addition to teaching at South San Francisco High School, she was the advisor for the school's Regional Sea Lion Bowl team.

upon learning that I was creating a website on seals, she shared photos from when she went diving in Kauai

she says that she misses the team

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