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Help the Seals


The population of seals is declining. As a result, they are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Furthermore, some are listed under the Endangered Species Act.


One of the main reasons for this is due to global warming. As a result of the temperature rise, ice is melting and seals are losing their habitats. In addition, global warming is decreasing other surrounding species, resulting in less available food source for the seals.


Additionally, they are heavily impacted man-created factors. This includes the development of structures along the coast, which are taking over their habitats, as well as industrial and agricultural pollutants, which are poisoning the waters. 


Furthermore, seals get caught by man-made objects, such as fishing equipment, especially nets and hooks. 


Activities such as seal-hunting is another reason behind the decline. Seals are often hunted down and killed for their fur.


How can you help?

The decrease in the seal population is directly linked to humans. The future of their species is in the hands of people like us. Whether they get helped or harmed is up to you.


Check out how you can take action against climate change at


Find various ways that you can help by checking out the Marine Mammal Center webpage at


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